What's Happening This Weekend? December 19th - 22nd

Hey everyone, it's time for this week's 'What's Happening This Weekend' in LA! We've got a bunch of cool events lined up for December 18th to the 22nd. From holiday vibes to some laid-back fun, there's something for everyone. So, let’s make the most of these last few days before the year wraps up. Here’s where you can hang out this weekend


Friday 12/20

Saturday 12/21

Sunday 12/22

Art + Community

Thursday 12/19

Friday 12/20

Saturday 12/21

Sunday 12/22

Live Music

Friday 12/20

Saturday 12/21

Sunday 12/22


Thursday 12/19

Friday 12/20

Saturday 12/21

Sunday 12/22


or to participate.